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原标题:regular expression for phone number in php

我正在对电话号码使用zen式认证。 我想,用户应当用这些格式进入电话号码:

"+91-151-1234567", "01234567891", "+912345678901"


"^(?:+?([0-9]{3}))?[-. ]?(?([0-9]{3}))?[-. ]?([0-9]{10})[-. ]$"

but it is not working. it is generating error :

Fatal error: Uncaught exception Zend_Validate_Exception with message Internal error matching pattern ^(?:+?([0-9]{3}))?[-. ]?(?([0-9]{3}))?[-. ]?([0-9]{10})[-. ]$ against value +91-151-3297154 in /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Validate/Regex.php:117 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Validate.php(98): Zend_Validate_Regex->isValid( +91-151-3297154 )

1 /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Validate.php(98):


2 /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Filter/Input.php(932):


3 /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Filter/Input.php(800):

Zend_Filter_Input->_validate Rule(Array)

4 /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Filter/Input.php(688):

Zend_Filter_Input->_validate() #5 /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Filter/Input.php(430): Zend_Filter_Input->_process() #6 /var/www/html/allindiazend/application/controllers/StaticController.php(148): Zend_Filter_Input->isValid() #7 /var/www/html/allindi in /var/www/html/allindiazend/library/Zend/Validate/Regex.php on line 117


thank you in advance.




你们的哪一部分是 matching子,但我只是测试了我所写的另一种版本,似乎为你的所有例子工作:


我不广泛检查所有允许的格式,而是允许任何形式。 您可以将其转换成一种单一的格式(不计邮资和括号)来检查你们的希望,以同样的方式储存每份电话号码,以便你也能轻易检索。



The numbers may be written in different formats such as: 0039024343333 +39024343333 (0041) 91 999 11 11 +41 (0) 91 999 11 11 0919991111 091 99 911 11 +1 123 344 2244 5 123-344-2244-5 etc..


GetPhoneNumber function ($ txt) {
$ regexp =  / ([+   s]) {1,3} ([0-9   s] {2,5}) -? ([0-9   s] {2,5}) -? ([0-9   s] {2,20}) /  ;

preg_match_all ($ regexp, $ txt, $ m);

return isset ($ m [0])? $ m [0]: array ();

$ fulltxt = file_get_contents ( http://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/Contatti );
$ phonenumber = GetPhoneNumber ($ fulltxt);
print_r ($ phonenumber);

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