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原标题:How to obtain singleton s intance in JBoss?

I have a singleton that I have to instantiate in my filter and for some reason I cannot get it s instance on couple first attempts. (The application deployed in JBoss EAP 5.1) This same solution with no modification works just fine with Jetty Application server. Greatly appreciate for your answer in advance.




为什么你们需要一个单一吨的过滤器? 你们有网络应用、会议,并请求提供你希望的任何数据。

尽管如此,如果看不出你的代码,那么你会利用一个等级的固定变量来做事吗? 如果是的话,请指出,班级由班级载荷负责,这是在应用服务器上使用这种部件的不良想法之一(这在很大程度上保证使用班级载荷等级等) JBoss和Jety显然有不同的做法。

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