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原标题:How to handle in Play! framework a form post with jsAction?

I m struggling with it for some time with no results. I want data entered in a form and submitted to be rendered as a new row of a table being on the same page (without the page reload). What I currently have is an item model with several fields, a controller with saveItem action:

public static void saveItem(@Valid SoldItem item) {...


<tr class="itemNew">
        <input type="image" id="saveItem" name="&{ Save }" alt="&{ Save }" height="16" src="/public/images/001_06.png" form="itemsTable"/>
        <a href="#/cancelEdits"><image id="cancelEdits" src="/public/images/001_05.png" alt="&{ Cancel }" title="&{ Cancel }" height="16"></a>

        <div class="item">
            <input class="itemDesc" type="text" size="30" name="item.item.name" placeholder="&{ item.name }" />
        <div class="item">
            <textarea class="itemDesc" rows="2" cols="30" name="item.item.description" placeholder="&{ item.description }" ></textarea>


附有一些 Java本:

    this.post( #/saveItem , function (context) {
        var item_def = new Sammy.Object();
        context.log( saveItem - params =   + this.params);
        context.log( saveItem - form_fields = { );
        //for ( var item in this.params.keys()) {
        var items = this.params.keys(true);
        for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            var item = items[i];
            context.log( item:   + item);
            if(item.match(/^item./)) {
                item_def[ : + item] = this.params[item];
        context.log( } );
        context.log( item_def:   + item_def);
        var action = #{jsAction @Invoices.saveItem(item_def) /};
        context.log( action:   + action({item: item_def}));
        this.partial(action({item: item_def}));

后者是Sammy.js,但似乎与案件无关。 我得到的是nothing。 下面是最后两个记录条目的样本:

[Fri Jun 10 2011 01:30:51] item_def: Sammy.Object: {":item.item.name": aaa,":item.item.description": dsfsd,":item.retailPrice": dsfs,":item.rebate": sdf,":item.quantity": dsf,":item.vatRate": d,":item.notes": ds}
[Fri Jun 10 2011 01:30:51 ] action: /invoices/saveitem



So the solution I came up with is:

    this.post( #/saveItem , function (context) {
        var items = this.params.toHash();
        var action = #{jsAction @Invoices.saveItem() /};
        this.send($.post, action(), items)
            .then(function(contents) {

Some explanation I ve found on the playframework group. When posting from a form there is no need to create full query URL. All the parameters should be sent as the post body. The above example shows use of Sammy.js framework (within Play! framework) and it works pretty well.



var action = #{jsAction @Invoices.saveItem(item_def) /};


var action = #{jsAction @Invoices.saveItem(item) /};

页: 1 在您的下行中,项目确实存在,因此没有发送或产出。

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