English 中文(简体)
原标题:Modification and rollback methodology for a set of objects and their state



一揽子计划是收集服务的集装箱,具有一套内在的可预见限制。 这些限制包括:

  • Which types of service are supported
  • The number of services that can be allocated to the package
  • The properties that need to be set to specific values within said services

需要在兼容的包之间实现升级和降级。 通过这样做,一揽子计划中的服务需要转让、修改和可能创造或删除,以适应新的一揽子计划的限制。




  • By deleting services that are no longer compatible with the new package, unique constraints could be released which are then used by other packages (in other accounts etc.) stopping rollback being possible
  • Services that are deleted are difficult to restore with references intact
  • If services aren t deleted, they continue to consume unique constraints that might need to be used by other similar services

处理目前的方式是采取一揽子措施,将物体从中排除(而不是删除),并列出在退约情况下恢复状态的步骤清单。 然而,这是在个案基础上进行的,容易发生错误,感到cl。

我很想知道,你中是否有任何人遇到类似的情况,并知道可以在这里使用的模式或方法。 基本上,我们需要能够更新一套物体的状况,进行这些改动,但可以选择追溯到以前的版本。 NB: 在该系统内,物体的状况可以序列化和储存。



www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 升级前:


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 升级后:





*** 在进行操作之前储存或登记特定物体(“打字”和“服务”(s))的价值。

如果该行动陷入困境,该信息便会被解冻,或仅仅作为历史数据储存。 否则,它就利用它将物体送回前一个国家。


[2] You have to register a menu or collection of operations that can be done by your app, and eventually rollback.

+----------------+            +------------------+
|................|            |..................|
|................|            |..................|
|.......App......|/          |.....Operation....|
|................|  ----------|..................|
|................|/          |..................|
+----------------+   1      * +------------------+



[3] 每当你执行其中一项行动时,即使重复进行,你就每个行动都有一个登记册或记录,可以进行,或进行滚动。

+----------------+            +------------------+
|................|            |..................|
|................|            |..................|/   1
|.......App......|/          |....Operation.....|  --------+
|................|  ----------|..................|/        |
|................|/          |..................|          |
+----------------+   1      * +------------------+          |
         /                                                 |
         /                                                 |
         |                    +------------------+          |
      1  |                    |..................|          |
         +--------------------|..................|          |
                          *   |.......Log........|----------+
                              |..................|    * (The same operation can be 
                              |..................|       registered in the log,
                              +------------------+       several times)


[4] 在您的名单上,你需要开展一项相反的行动,以恢复对应行动。

+----------------+            +------------------+
|................|            |..................|-------+ 1
|................|            |..................|       |
|.......App......|/          |.....Operation....|       |
|................|  ----------|..................|-------+ 1  
|................|/          |..................|
+----------------+   1      * +------------------+


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[5] 对比运行也必须在记录中登记。



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