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原标题:PHP/PDO/MySQL: inserting into MEDIUMBLOB stores bad data


在我的机器上(Windows)加上2台六氯环己烷服务器,这套机器可操作。 在第三台六氯环己烷服务器上,插入的图像被腐蚀:在选取后无法读取,而由MySQL公司(MySQL)功能报告的栏目数据长度大约比上载文档的尺寸高出40%。


Of course, this leads me to think about encoding and character set issues. BLOB columns have no associated charsets, so it seems like the most likely culprit is PDO and its interpretation of the parameter value for that column.

  • I ve tried using bindValue with PDO::PARAM_LOB, to no effect.
  • I ve verified that the images are being received on the server correctly (i.e. am reading them post-upload with no problem), so it s definitely a DB/PDO issue.
  • I ve searched for obvious configuration differences between the servers, but I m not an expert in PHP configuration so I might have missed something.


$imagedata = file_get_contents($_FILES["icon"]["tmp_name"]);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare( insert into foo (theimage) values (:theimage) );
$stmt->bindValue( :theimage , $imagedata, PDO::PARAM_LOB);


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 错失的服务器上的MySQL焦炭 is是8ut;它给他人留下了1.。

The problem is "solved" by adding PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci" to the PDO constructor.

这似乎如a bug对我设计不好:为什么linkion<>>/em>的果园对双轨数据有任何影响,特别是当它被确认为与PARAM_LOB的双亲还是PDO?

Note that the DB tables are defined as latin1 in all cases: it s only the servers default charsets that are inconsistent.



我并不认为这必须是ug。 我可以想象,每当客户与服务器进行会谈时,如果说以下指挥是在UTF-8,而服务器在拉丁-1中需要,那么问询就会重新编码,然后进行上层和执行。 因此,这是数据运输的一个编码问题。 由于这一重新编码将影响到以前的平级,因此,BLOB栏的二元数据也将发生变化。

From the Mysql manual:

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 服务器在接收后应翻译一份声明的特性是什么?

For this, the server uses the character_set_connection and collation_connection system variables. It converts statements sent by the client from character_set_client to character_set_connection (except for string literals that have an introducer such as _latin1 or _utf8). collation_connection is important for comparisons of literal strings. For comparisons of strings with column values, collation_connection does not matter because columns have their own collation, which has a higher collation precedence.



<>PDO:PARAM_LOB 指示项目事务厅将数据描绘成一个流子,以便你能够利用项目组合简化软件。 (Ref)

我没有我的SQL专家,但我要这样解释。 客户和服务器需要谈判它们正在使用哪些果园,我假定这样做是出于某种原因。



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