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通过与现状更新的网络链接跟踪PHP batch
原标题:Running PHP batch scripts through web link with status updates

我在一份分批文件中确定了一个过程,它有3个文件,一个文件按顺序排列,我希望为这一进程建立一个网络前端。 当有人用网络格式上载一个文件时,就会启动这一过程。


I am thinking in terms of javascript that sends request to the 3 php files in sequence, with the php scripts echoing the status messages as they are executed. But I would rather have the three files executed in a single trigger from the client instead of having javascript calling the the three scripts separately.



You could create a single php file that runs the 3 php script and echoes their ouputs. By executing a server side request trough AJAX (I suggest jQuery framework) the outputs may be collected and the client side scripts can process and show the results to the user.


Store messages in the database or other centralized storage system. Use an ajax call to pull the newest messages.

在服务器上安装一个Ajax电话。 您没有具体说明贵国的网址的文字如何运行,但我要做的是包括其他的网址(这些档案将具有处理它们本应做的事情的职能),然后从主要档案中称这些功能。 这些职能应当归还你可以收集的一系列成功/反复的信息。 类似情况:

$response[] = firstFileProcessing(); //your function names should be better
$response[] = secondFileProcessing();
$response[] = thirdFileProcessing();

When all the scripts are done processing, do:

echo json_encode(array("responses" => $response));

Then back in your success function for the ajax call, you d do:

var res = jQuery.parseJSON(response_from_server); 
//or if you told ajax to expect a json response, 
//response_from_server would automatically be an object based on the json sent

and step through each one to see what php said.

alert(res.responses[0]); //the first file said this


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