English 中文(简体)
原标题:UI technology for segmentation and consolidation (portal alternative)

I m 寻找一种最好基于 Java的技术,能够:

  • Separate development tasks between developers and does not requires them to access all the UI for development and testing. I d like to create separate groups who develop the UI on their own.
  • Consolidate the end results as a coherent application.



  • Spring MVC with clear separations on the scopes and "clever" merge process
  • Struts actions and pages with clear separations on the scopes and merge of the configuration



I ve得出结论,我们的道路是春天花板,


我们使用Vexi-以下网址:a demo,主要因为保持了这一成绩。 文件内容相当详尽,但目前还未在网上组织完善,由于源头变化,网站被打破(比克人无国界协会)。

地球观测组织并不真正是一个特征,因为申请是从浏览器中发射的,而不是在浏览器内存在。 然而,这无疑是一种替代技术!

It s a shame I can t show you the apps I m working on at the moment, because they look great. Our online profile for Vexi is dire though.

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