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JAXP XSLT 功能问题文件
原标题:JAXP XSLT document() function problem

我在“java”申请下工作,该申请使用了SLT改造。 我在此呼吁提供大量文件,这样就有可能 j。 lang。 外部例外(我实际上有这种例外),因为每次要求文件之后,文件都注明时间。

At http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/faq.html#faq-N102F9 I read that it is possible to increase heap memory size which is not the solution in my case. I also tried to use incremental transform which seems to be not supported.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 因此,在行使文件(职能时,是否有可能将文件打上黑板?


Like user1066037 s answer, hopefully you can switch to Saxon. Saxon has an extension called saxon:discard-document. It s available in either the PE or EE editions or Saxon-B. Search for "Saxon-B" here: http://saxon.sourceforge.net/



saxon:discard-document($doc as document-node()) => document-node(

This function removes a document from Saxon s internal document pool. The document remains in memory for the time being, but will be released from memory by the Java garbage collector when all references to nodes in the document tree have gone out of scope. This has the benefit of releasing memory, but the drawback is that if the same document is loaded again during the same transformation, it will be reparsed from the source text, and different node identifiers will be allocated. The function returns the document node that was supplied as an argument, allowing it to be used in a call such as select="saxon:discard-document(document( a.xml ))".



您提供的链接中有一个例子,它利用习惯处理指令进行可分的切除。 你们是否尝试了那里所建议的工作?



根据我所知,Xalan will 装载文件,除非在最近发行时有所改动。



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