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How unique is the php session id
如果我是格林纳达的一个开发商,我将检查所生成的会议是否与现有的会议相匹配,并在我获得独特数据之前产生新的会议。 如果我看到这种方式,我确信,营地开发商确实这样做。
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using include/require s to achieve a singular file that contains multiple pages as opposed to directing the user to many individual pages and storing the ...
I used iis6, and when i called a function Directory.delete(), the all the session relate this website will be logged out. and i debugged the website, i found no exception. any one have ideas on this ? ...
What is the best way to check session from a view in CodeIgniter, it shows no way in their user guide, otherwise I will have to make two views on everything, which is kinda weird...still a newbie to ...
I am storing an array of a custom serializable class in session on my site. When a page on the site changes, suddenly it renders them invalid, and tells me that it can t cast the type to it s own ...
I ve tried searching for this but it s pretty difficult to put into words. Basically, our site will run fine for most users without any issues. Sometimes though, those of us who use the site pretty ...
Is it possible to get the size(in bytes) of a Session object after storing something such as a datatable inside it? I want to get the size of a particular Session object, such as Session["table1"], ...
提供严格分类的与会机会的最佳方式是什么? 我正计划转而选择矩阵,这正在促使汇编者抱怨我的幻觉方案拟订方法......
I m trying to create an authentication mechanism for my PHP Application and I m having difficulty destroying the session. I ve tried unsetting the authentication token which was previously set within ...