I m 绘制地图编辑网络应用程序,使我们能够建立和编辑多线、多角等。 我在网上找不到一些关于无所作为的信息,我发现有人对“我们的需要不成事实”和“在我指挥模式使用关闭的情况下”,但我想到的是,这同一个完全的无所事事的/充满活力的界面之间有相当的路。
- Should I manage the stack, or is there a way to send my commands to the browser s stack ? (and how do I handle native commands, like text edits in textifields in this case)
- how do I handle "command compression" (command grouping) when some commands are browser native
- How do I detect the undo (ctrl+z) keystroke?
- If I register a keyup event, how do I decide if I prevent default or not?
- If not, can I register some undoevent handler somewhere ?
- Users are not used to undo on the web, how can I "train" them to explore/undo on my application ?