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原标题: Missing 500.shtmlController when submit a form with the words "select" and "from" in any text-box in CakePHP

This one threw me for a loop - not even sure where to start looking.

If you submit a form in my CakePHP application with the words "select" and "from" in any text area, it errors out:

Missing Controller

Error: 500.shtmlController could not be found.

Error: Create the class 500.shtmlController below in file: app/controllers/500.shtml_controller.php

    class 500.shtmlController extends AppController {
        var $name =  500.shtml ;

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/missing_controller.ctp

即便是“从一度中挑选出的真主党”,也会出现错误。 BUT——如果你按相反顺序排列,它就不是一个问题——你CAN的类型是“从选定的真主党......”的,它没有问题。

I m using the jquery validator plugin (but I have to assume it s not on the javascript side - seems like it must be something w/ Cake / MySQL?)



Do you have ModSecurity installed on Apache? It looks like your string triggers its pattern:


看一看像<条码>。 安保部: 在您的错误记录中拒绝使用代码500(第2阶段)

And it looks like you ve disabled default Pages route:

Router::connect( /pages/* , array( controller  =>  pages ,  action  =>  display ));




  1. Your rewrite rules aren t working quite right if they re trying to pass a request for the "static" page 500.shtml to Cake. Make sure that your .htaccess files are in place and that Apache is configured with AllowOverride so that the .htaccess files can do their job properly.
  2. Something is screwy with the code causing an internal server error when processing your posted data. To troubleshoot this, we ll need to see the code that you re POSTing to. Revise your question to include the relevant controller code.

前往CakePHP1.3。 我认为你正在使用CakePHP 1.1。

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