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原标题:Parsing C++ to make some changes in the code
  • 时间:2011-06-17 17:01:40
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • parsing


如何做到这一点? 我能否使用g++的教区机制(或任何其他教区)?




... original .cpp file ...

#include <yourHeader>
namespace { 
  SpecialClass  specialClassInstance;


class SpecialClass {
    SpecialClass() {

    ~SpecialClass() {

这样,你就不需要把C++的档案整理起来。 由于你正在宣布全球,其建筑商将在<代码>main之前开张,其承载人将在<代码>main/code>后开张。

The downside is that you don t get to know the relative order of when your global is constructed compared to others. So if you need to guarantee that firstFunction is called before any other constructor elsewhere in the entire program, you re out of luck.


如果你想要使其坚固,则使用 图书馆

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