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原标题:How to pass string between two activities

I have two activities A and B, and from activity A, I click on a button that opens a dialog box which contains a form consisting of two edit text fields and a button(the button in the dialog box is used to start activity B). So, my question is: how do I pass a string from activity B to activity A, but without closing the dialog box(the string will be used to fill one of the two edit text fields).


你们需要创建一个类别来储存变量。 活动 B的使用确定了变数的价值,制造的舱面储存了该变量,而活动A则获得了变数的价值。

  1. 创立一个班级:GlobalVars.java。 这一类:

    公共部门:全球 B. 扩大适用范围{

    private static String var2;
    public static String getVar() {
        return var2;
    public static void setVar(String var) {
    var2 = var;


活动 B 将这一条放在适当的位置:

String something;

活动 适当地点:

String getsomething = GlobalVars.getVar();



当活动B的回报产生时,你想要保留方言。 如果是这样的话,你可以打开关于积极结果的方言:

  1. Activity A
  2. Click on button open dialogbox
  3. start Activity B
  4. return result to Activity A
  5. onActivityResult will call
  6. open dialog box again




Search google or stackoverflow there are a lot of tutorials and examples of how to achieve this. as i understand you want activity a to get notified and fill a field based on some action in the dialog.

我所建议的是这样做的一种方式。 其他答复也为同一问题提供了不同的解决办法。 你们还可以在建立你的方言时进行一个接口,该方言将从方言中调取,并在第一项活动中有所作为。

我认为,你需要使用静态和静态的全球变量以及主动性Res()。 如果你想把客户与以前的客户接洽到新的客户。 附录 活动


Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
  if (extras != null) 
      String name = extras.getString(ClientList.KEY_Client);//ClientList.KEY_Client is global static variable of "ClientList" Activity.

      if (name != null) 
          nameText.setText(name);//"nameText" is a EditText object represent EditText view


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