<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1">
<name> //picture 1 info <name>
<coordinates> //gps 1 cords <coordinates>
<name> //picture 2 info <name>
<coordinates> //gps 2 cords <coordinates>
File 1:
<Name> //picture 1 info <name>
<coordinates> //gps 1 cords <coordinates>
File 2:
<Name> //picture 2 info <name>
<coordinates> //gps 2 cords <coordinates>
.....I read this question: Split XML in Multiple XML files
and tried to modify the code a little bit for my file after importing everything. Wondering if anyone had any good ideas on how to modify my code to do the spit like in the question above.