English 中文(简体)
希望使用 j式阵列作为散射钥匙,取回任何阵列元素
原标题:wishing to use a javascript array as a hash key, retrieve with any array element

Here s what I m looking to do..

var dual = new Array; 
var matrix = new Array;
matrix[dual]=voteint; //this works..




one could do...

matrix[voter+ . +thisID]=voteint;

reg reg matching

> var dual = new Array; 
> dual=[voter,thisID];

第二项任务取代原先分配给dual的阵列,使第一个派任无用。 可以写成:

var dual = [voter, thisID];


> var matrix = new Array;
> matrix[dual]=voteint; //this works..



var voter =  foo ;
var thisID =  baz ;
var dual = [foo, baz];


matrix[dual] = voteint;


matrix[ foo,baz ] = voteing;

voteint 以前被分配价值。

but I d like to easily access values by either or both key (array) element:

> matrix[*,thisID])=answer;

except wildcards don t exist in this way, right?



矩阵表 +thisID=voteint;

如果. 改为“ com”,是。

and do regex matching around the . but is there a better/easier/faster way?


您的唯一合理选择是利用,在上,对每个财产名称进行测试,以找到你想要的物。 请注意,你还应包括“清白”测试,以排除继承的无数财产。



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