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原标题:shell_exec returns empty string

当我用<代码>shell_exec在PHP中执行指挥时,我总是返回空洞。 I Trial shell_exec( ls -l ); and it work. 我将指挥视为单独档案,结果仍然相同。

$shellOutput = shell_exec("pacmd list-sinks | grep  volume: 0:  | tail -1 | awk  { print $3 } ");

//return execute status;
echo trim($shellOutput); 

I changed the sudoers to ALL ALL = (ALL) :NOPASSWD ALL (very un-secure, but just to find something sure to work),


sudo -u myusername /path/to/script.sh

where script.sh has export VAR=value export VAR=value

for all the environmental variables that are necessary (you can do a printenv from a user who can properly pacmd to see what you need. probably a good HOME and maybe an XAUTHORITY).



多数时间,如果用你的文字处理案件,那么阿帕奇使用者可能没有足够的许可来管理这一指挥。 首先检查。 如果它作为CLI的文字运行,那么如果PHP用户能够操作文字,就会进行检查。

You may want to try " > file.txt 2>&1" at the end of your command. It will redirect the outputs to a separate file.

$command = "cmd command > outputs.txt 2>&1";


b cmd command output contents


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