English 中文(简体)
使用 form子箱将过滤器应用到电线上。
原标题:Using form combo boxes apply a filter to a query



我的表格有两只 com子和一个 but子。 ComboBox1有 t。 小学价值和ComboBox2的年价值。

我想的是,当突击式指挥塔顿时,当 com波箱的数值被作为拖网顶的过滤器使用时,就会打开显示SubCat和用户ID值清单的灯塔。


我拥有为模仿Results而确定的形式的记录。 采用这一方法,在过滤某些知识方面,仅需要增加:


Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT SubCat, UserID " & _
         "FROM tblIndex " & _
         "WHERE PrimaryCat = [strCat] AND Year = [strYear] " & _
         "GROUP BY SubCat, UserID"

DoCmd.OpenQuery "strSQL"



我不敢肯定,如果允许我回答我自己的问题,但我拟定解决办法。 I > used INTO to put the results into a temp table I can further editede using:


Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT SubCat, UserID INTO tblTemp " & _ "FROM tblIndex " & _ "WHERE PrimaryCat = " & cboPrimaryCat.Value & " AND Year = " & >cboYear.Value & _ " GROUP BY SubCat, UserID"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL



完成这项工作。 Can t 不能先存放在一间电梯。 解决办法是:

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
    Dim qdfCurr As DAO.QueryDef
    Dim strSQL As String

    strSQL = "SELECT SubCat, UserID " & _
             "FROM tblIndex " & _
             "WHERE PrimaryCat  =  " & strCat.Value & "  AND Year =  " & strYear.Value & _
             "  GROUP BY SubCat, UserID"

    On Error Resume Next
    Set qdfCurr = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("TempQuery")
    If Err.Number = 3265 Then
        Set qdfCurr = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("TempQuery")
    End If

    qdfCurr.SQL = strSQL
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "TempQuery"
End Sub

我认为,这项工作将继续下去。 与温室表合作更为复杂。 想象你们有50个问问问问问问,有相应的问答!

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT SubCat, UserID " & _
         "FROM tblIndex " & _
         "WHERE PrimaryCat = " & Forms!FormName![strCat] & " AND Year = " & Forms!FormName![strYear] " " & _
         "GROUP BY SubCat, UserID"

DoCmd.OpenQuery strSQL

End Sub

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