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java.util.zip.deflater Equal in c#
原标题:java.util.zip.deflater equivalent in c#

任何人都知道我如何能够实现 j。 Deflate()Function in .NET, so,java s Infalter.inflate()方法是可以理解的?

regards, Rafal



Nuget: Install-Package DotNetZip




它还有压缩和压缩,而且这一类与网络DefalteStream完全一样。 请注意,DotNetZip的DeflateStream与Java不同,ZlibStream是一样的。

Additional Info: DeflateStream of .NET is not compatible with Deflate in Java. In fact, Java uses Zlib and adds 2-6 bytes header and 4 bytes checksum by default. Cutting off the bytes (suggested by some articles like http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bclteam/archive/2007/05/16/system-io-compression-capabilities-kim-hamilton.aspx) will work, but I don t suggest it as parsing header length may cause bugs.

我不建议SharpZipLib,因为它纯粹是C#,而且通常业绩与压缩和压缩数据有关。 查阅

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.compression.aspx”rel=“nofollow” System.IO.Compression namespace. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.compression.deflatestream.aspx”rel=“nofollow” DeflateStream使用压缩计算法,也使用java.util.zip.deflater。 因此,你可以压缩。 NET and decompress with Java implementation and 相反.



http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.compression.gzipstream.aspx” rel=“nofollow> GZipStream Level

which might help, but I don t know how easy they are to use 或 if compatible with java (s或ry not a great answer).

There a nice blog post about zip stuff in: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bclteam/archive/2010/06/28/w或king-with-zip-files-in-net.aspx

Or a few open source zip utilities around f或 c#.

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