English 中文(简体)
2. 在装货时设定电梯的违约值
原标题:setting a default value for slider when app loads

In my iPhone app I m using a slider for adjusting the volume and working fine. But I m not able to set a default value for slider when app loads. I have seen that only when the slider is touched the value gets changed.But i need a default value when app loads. My code is given below

- (IBAction)sliderChanged:(id)sender {

    slider = (UISlider *) sender;
    slider.minimumValue = 0.5;
    slider.maximumValue = 2.2;
    progressAsInt = slider.value ;


请提供帮助。 提前感谢。



  1. Using Interface builder. See attached picture and value of current property. enter image description here

  2. 《刑法》


   slider.value = 1.0;



之后,委员会认为 各位可以确定你们想要的价值。

(Also, you should be able to do it in Interface Builder, but I m not very familiar with it).

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