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原标题:How can i know if a session is still active or not?
  • 时间:2011-07-07 09:59:24
  •  标签:
  • php
  • session

I m storing the sessions ids in a database table. I want to run a script that reads from the table every session id and check if this session is active or not.

I know that session information is stored in a directory (/tmp by default) and removed from there when the session is closed. But if the user close his browser without disconnecting from the session the session file is still in the /tmp directory.


I have searched the session functions and didn t find anything that could help.





如果你在数据库中保留会议。 在数据库表中增加最后存取或经过修改的时间。 我在找回或储存会议资料的程序中加上了密码。 然而,长期以来,你想要的是你们的会议。 每一次,你都可以更新这一时间。 这似乎会造成业绩的冲击,但我已利用这一模式/进程,这是一个很大的尺度。 我几乎总是利用数据库储存会议信息。 请研究session_set_save_handler()。 我可以尝试从我利用的先前项目中收集一些我自己的法典,但我相信,阅读关于这一手册并推广执行将有助于你。

为什么你们会关注这一已经过时的会议? 在某些随机的时间里,他们将从临时夹中清除。


但是也想到你的表现。 它为把本届会议数据储存在memcache或类似于<>——只是将其储存在记忆中,而不是在非行。 详见:http://memcastal.org/

It s really easy to store your session data in memcached: http://www.dotdeb.org/2008/08/25/storing-your-php-sessions-using-memcached/

There isn t such a function. PHP itself use somewhat an hack to determine when a session is expired, there are several options into the php.ini configuration file.

In short, every time a session started there is a gc_probability/gc_divisor chanche that php will start a garbage collection of pending data. The session accessed before gc_maxlifetime seconds are considered expired and PHP deletes them.

You can relay on this behaviour tuning the envolved options or mimic this behaviour with a similar approach.


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