i have some problems trying code login+cookies .. when the user is login i create the session
and when i want to check if session its still alive always return null
HttpSession session = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
When i check the HttpRequest (when i check session alive) this have
Cookie: JSESSIONID=a1042a8e-9ebc-45b8-a3d8-12161885be96
and the cookie is ok.
public String login(String rut, String pass) throws AuthenticationException {
//if UserPassMatch ...
session = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(true);
//set user bean
session.setAttribute("beanSession", us);
HttpServletResponse response = getThreadLocalResponse();
Cookie usernameCookie = new Cookie("JSESSIONID", us.getSessionID());
usernameCookie.setMaxAge(60 * 60 ); //1 hora
public String checkIfSessionStillActive(String token) {
HttpServletRequest request = getThreadLocalRequest();
//Here ALWAYS return null
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
//check sessionId and search User Bean
return token;
From client side nothing special just call checkIfSessionStillActive for check if session exists and go throw the token or go to login if it s not. When the user is logged in still return session NULL. I use MVP pattern and i call from AppController and i use the same rpcService. At once the user login i check session and its exists, but if i call checkIfSessionStillActive this not found any session. Really i read a lot of code and what i found its almost the same thing, ¿can any help me?