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原标题:What is the best way to verify multiple instanceof s with primitive types (eg: switch case)?

I ve searched for answers here and every thread I found were in fact "fragments" of what I seek.

I d like to find a better way than this :

~ EDIT: OOPS ! I meant to use primitive Wrapper classes in the first place, but I was thinking of using primitive types when calling the method at that very moment~ Thank you for noticing it :)

public void setValue(Object value) {

    if (value instanceof String) {

    } else if (value instanceof Integer) { // and not  int 

    } else if (value instanceof Long) { // and not  long 


// The usage that made me confused in the first place :
int i = 42;

通知@Override annotation:这是采用接口方法。 这种方法将接受不同的执行类型,因此我不想采用不同的参数类型来制造三种不同的方法。




∗∗∗ 显然,我并没有要求转手案件Integers、Longs和Sting(但不能开关)。 直到 Java7(即)为止,我想转而谈一下:。


My implementation obviously works, but I just feel there s a better way. I am wondering if there is a cleaner method than doing what I did, what do you suggest and why?

Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Dominic Brissette.

<>strong>EDIT: 使用原始类型和自动箱

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i = 42;


public static boolean autoboxing(Object o) {
    return o instanceof Integer;

产出<代码>true,因为末,my Int instance of Integer iskinda real.!



public interface ValueInterface {

Then the set value method would look like:

public void setValue(ValueInterface value) {



Another way to handle this is to write code for any type of object.

private JLabel label;
public void setValue(Object value) {
    String text = value.toString();
    Long.parseLong(text); // to validate as a long value.

The clean way to switch on type is to use overloading. Note: An Object cannot be a primitive.

public void setValue(String value) {


public void setValue(int value) { // shouldn t need this.


public void setValue(long value) {


It is highly likely you don t need a seperate int and long method as the later is likely to be enough.

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