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原标题:Remove duplicates from a list (in vim)


[ 02 ,  03 ,  03 ,  16 ,  17 ,  17 ,  28 ,  29 ,  29 ]


Would it be also possible when I add an item to the list to check if the item is already in the list (to avoid duplicates?)


提 出

let list=[ 02 ,  03 ,  03 ,  16 ,  17 ,  17 ,  28 ,  29 ,  29 ]
let unduplist=filter(copy(list),  index(list, v:val, v:key+1)==-1 )

。 关于第二个问题,见:h Index()


  1. all list items are strings;
  2. there is no empty strings possible;
  3. you don t care about order of list items




s/( [0-9]+ ),s+1/1/g


let list=[ 02 ,  03 ,  03 ,  16 ,  17 ,  17 ,  28 ,  29 ,  29 ]
let dict = {}
for l in list
   let dict[l] =   
let uniqueList = keys(dict)


Vim 7.4.218 (25 Mar 2014) and newer


uniq({list} [, {func} [, {dict}]])          *uniq()* *E882*
        Remove second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent
        {list} items in-place.  Returns {list}.  If you want a list
        to remain unmodified make a copy first: >
            :let newlist = uniq(copy(mylist))
<       The default compare function uses the string representation of
        each item.  For the use of {func} and {dict} see |sort()|.

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