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Grab Programsole Output
原标题:Grab Program s Console Output


As part of the program, I would like to have a console/telnet(type) clone. I have a working directory system, where I can essentially read all files in directories, and change directories. I also have an easy FTP protocol set up. However I would like to arbitrarily speak to different programs with the standard input/output procedures programmatically. I m not opposed to DLL injection techniques, and other methods, as this is a benign program. If possible it would be awesome if I could just directly use the console easily. (system() would possibly work, however this doesn t allow continued communication or reading back of output)

I m thinking so far of grabbing the PATH environment vars and utilizing that for std commands (ipconfig, netstat, etc) My networking library makes communication easy, but I m just not sure how to interface with the program s console...




Alright I ve learned a TON about this in the last little while. And here s some information that some people may find useful =]

Code To Create Process With Pipes/File Descriptors as Stdin/out/err:

    STARTUPINFO startInfo;


    memset((void*) &startInfo, 0, sizeof (startInfo));
    memset((void*) &procInfo,  0, sizeof (procInfo));

    startInfo.cb = sizeof (startInfo);

    startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; //No Console Window, Thanks.

    startInfo.hStdInput   = (HANDLE)inHandle;
    startInfo.hStdOutput  = (HANDLE)outHandle;
    startInfo.hStdError   = (HANDLE)errHandle;

    char* pe = "cmd"; 
    //This is the program to execute (eg: c:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe)


    return procInfo.hProcess;

Now this is all fine and dandy, but there s an additional little tidbit of information that has really helped me out here. You can use file descriptors for your handles (in/out/err) so you can use straight sockets, with no modification, and you will have direct access to the input and output of the process.

因此,我目前制造隐蔽 con的方法是把两卷单连接到当地,然后将一卷袖珍作为投入和营地; st。 产出和工程; 听觉儿童方案校外员。 它迅速而容易。

如果你不了解如何将一些袖珍连接在一起,那么仅看beej s Guide

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