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原标题:find out the maximum row from each 100 iteration in matlab
  • 时间:2011-07-13 07:42:50
  •  标签:
  • matlab

i) 编制一个文件:

S = load abc.mat

S = data1: [81x30 double]
    data2: [59x28 double]
    data3: [20x28 double]


disp([Ball Trial A B C D])

30.0000    1.0000    0.4498    0.3652    0.4601    0.3777

30.0000    2.0000    0.5745    0.5006    0.5671    0.4940


30.0000   99.0000    0.5209    0.4420    0.5112    0.4311

30.0000  100.0000    0.4078    0.4142    0.3974    0.4060

35.0000    1.0000    0.4303    0.3563    0.4083    0.3356

35.0000    2.0000    0.5239    0.4469    0.5174    0.4396


35.0000   99.0000    0.6009    0.5442    0.5985    0.5410

35.0000  100.0000    0.5327    0.4756    0.5037    0.4503


100.0000   99.0000    0.3015    0.3273    0.3027    0.3287

100.0000  100.0000    0.4416    0.3960    0.4533    0.4088


[c t] = max(max(C. ));% variable c is the max of C in each ball (index) t.

i) 拟出一条线图,其中每一指数(球)中都包含最大等级。

and also display out the row of maximum c on each index (ball) in a .txt file...


30.000 23.000 0.23 0.45 0.76 0.32

35.000 19.000 0.43 0.67 0.23 0.54


100.000 43.000 0.54 0.11 0.54 0.99

是否有任何人能够帮助我绘制图表,获得 de? ......


http://www.mathwork.com/help/techdoc/ref/accumarray.html” rel=“nofollow”

%# data is the content of abc.mat
load( abc.mat )

%# find x, corresponding indices into y
[x,~,yIdx] = unique(data(:,1));

%# in each column, collect the maximum for each yIdx
y = zeros(length(x),4);
for col=1:4
    y(:,col) = accumarray(yIdx,data(:,col+2),[],@max);

%# plot
set(ph,{ DisplayName },{ A ; B ; C ; D })

%# save result to file
dlmwrite( def.txt , [x y])


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