English 中文(简体)
• 如何改变转页上的左子(大ery)
原标题:How to change the left attribute on page resize (jQuery)

I m having slight troubles with my code. What I m trying to do is make these element s css property left update according to the difference of it s current left value, and the amount the page resizes. This way, when the page resizes and the background moves over, the elements will move too. Take a look at the code below and I ll describe the issue:

$(window).resize(function() {
    var docWidth = $(window).width();
    if (docWidth < 1000) {
        var difference = 1000-docWidth;
        $( #headNav a,#icons div ).each(function() {
            var left = $(this).position().left;
            var newLeft = left - difference;
            $(this).css({  left  : newLeft });

因此,“我得来”的问题是,这些要素被赋予了野生物种的剩余价值,而变数的新Left的价值是合理和理想的价值。 我认为,每一项职能都是收集这些价值的总和,并用于所发现的每个要素的x倍(如果有5个要素,我指的是) 我想的是,这部法律对每个要素都具有独特性,但只是一次,而不是每个要素10倍! (其中有多少要素在html)。

So my question is, how can this be achieved? I hope I explained myself well enough, this was tough to iterate. Any help is extremely appreciated. Thank you!


这里是一小trick: 包括<条码>+=

$(this).css({left: "+=" + difference});

j 贵能是你获得新价值的数学。


$(window).resize(function() {
    var docWidth = $(window).width();
    if (docWidth < 1000) {
        var difference = 1000-docWidth;            
        $( #headNav a,#icons div ).each(function(iconInst) {
            var left = $("#" + iconInst).position().left;
            var newLeft = left - difference;
            $("#" + iconInst).css({  left  : newLeft });

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