English 中文(简体)
原标题:Merge sort function (natural merge sort)

There are a few ways to do a merge sort, but I specifically need it to work like a natural merge sort. What happens in this algorithm is that smaller lists of numbers are generated in the file like so:

原件:35 27 24 28 31 37 1 4 7 6 8 9


As you notice, everytime the unsorted list comes across a number that s smaller than it s present value, a new unit is created. Once the list ends, this list breaks into two other lists like so in an alternative fashion:



最后一个步骤是再次将这两个清单合并起来,而第一个清单项目中的单位与第二个清单项目之间的数值比较。 例如,清单一中的第一个单位与清单二中的第一个单位比较,并按顺序排列。 任何左边单位将在尾添加(未显示)。


This process will repeat until the list is sorted in one unit.

除了合并两个清单外,我在本算法中确定了一切工作要做,而且很难解答或找到问题。 它经过了近一半的时间,才陷入分裂的错误。 不管怎么说,我可以把STL的合并用于该方案,而且它都列在一个链接名单上。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 注:建筑商和其他必要功能已经到位。 我没有履行其他职能,以体现具体职能。

class mergeList

      void setNumber(int item);
      void setStart(bool newStatus);
      void setEnd(bool newStatus);
      void setPrev(mergeList* node);
      void setNext(mergeList* node);

      int getNumber();
      bool getStart();
      bool getEnd();
      mergeList* getPrev();
      mergeList* getNext();

      int number;

      bool startSection;
      bool endSection;

      mergeList* prev;
      mergeList* next;

class mergeListObject
     mergeList* firstNode;
     mergeList* lastNode;

   void mergeLists(mergeListObject &firstList,
                   mergeListObject &secondList);

   //Other functions in program are in here.

void mergeListObject::mergeLists(mergeListObject &firstList,
                                 mergeListObject &secondList)
   mergeList* combTraverse = firstNode;
   mergeList* firstTraverse = firstList.firstNode;
   mergeList* secondTraverse = secondList.firstNode;

   bool listDone = false;

   //This will clear the combination list for insertion
   while (combTraverse != NULL)

      combTraverse = combTraverse->getNext();

   combTraverse = firstNode;


   while (listDone == false)
      //This will go until the first list is traversed.
         bool exception = false;

         int j = firstTraverse->getNumber();
         int k;

         //If the second list is still active, this will
         //grab its current value for comparison.
         if (secondTraverse != NULL)
            k = secondTraverse->getNumber();

         //Second list is done, will automatically grab
         //first list s value and traverse through to the end.
         if (secondTraverse == NULL)

            //Both values from both lists are compared.
            if (j <= k)

                exception = true;

         //If the first value unit was used, move the first list iterator up.
         //Otherwise, the second list s iterator moves up.
         if (exception == false)
            firstTraverse = firstTraverse->getNext();

            secondTraverse = secondTraverse->getNext();

         exception = false;
      while (firstTraverse->getEnd() == false);

      //If the second list isn t done, this will finish it.

         secondTraverse = secondTraverse->getNext();
         combTraverse = combTraverse->getNext();
      while (secondTraverse->getEnd() == false);


      //Marks the end of the section and sets the next one,
      //considering it isn t the end of the list.
      if (combTraverse->getNext() != NULL)

      //Both of these should end up at the start of a unit in their own lists.
      firstTraverse = firstTraverse->getNext();
      secondTraverse = secondTraverse->getNext();

      //Are both lists done?
      if (firstTraverse == NULL &&
          secondTraverse == NULL)
         listDone = true;


int main()
   mergeListObject one;
   mergeListObject two;
   mergeListObject combined;

   //The two lists are already separated. All
   //other functions have already been called.

   combined.mergeLists(one, two);

   return 0;


firstTraverse = firstTraverse->getNext();
secondTraverse = secondTraverse->getNext();


if (firstTraverse)
    firstTraverse = firstTraverse->getNext();
if (secondTraverse)
    secondTraverse = secondTraverse->getNext();


页: 1 Traverse & firstTraverse->getEnd() = 虚假; re 只要第一份名单的分治数量低于第二份名单,就可以成为全国扫盲委员会。



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