English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do you configure a Session-Scoped bean to be able to access information from the request and from other services?




public class ExceptionResolverBuilder 
    @Bean @Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
    public ExceptionResolver getExceptionResolver() 

        ExceptionResolver er = new ExceptionResolver();

        User user = userService.getLoggedInUser(request);

            sendEmail("Caught exception:" + exeption.getMessage());
            writeLog("Caught exception:" + exeption.getMessage());              

        return er;



However, in your case you shouldn t need to. Assuming that your ExceptionResolver is an implementation of HandlerExceptionResolver, then there s no reason to put your logging logic into ExceptionResolverBuilder.getExceptionResolver(), since the resolver will get passed the current HttpServletRequest in the resolveException method.

还考虑使用<代码>@ExceptionResolver annotation,使生活更加容易,并且还考虑使用



如果你使用春天安全,你通过打电话<条码>,获取当前申请的认证信息。 (通常使用一对地。) 然而,我不相信这样做会奏效,因为在确定安全背景时,你的方法可能会被称作。

It also needs to be able to access the userService - another bean.


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