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原标题:Vectorizing documents with Apache Mahout - MinLLR parameter

I m working with Apache Mahout to vectorize and cluster a decent sized set of documents (~500k). In working through the examples both on the project website and in the Mahout in Action book, I have seen the minLLR parameter of seq2sparse used a couple of times, but I m unsure of what kind of values it expects. Is there any kind of starting ground or method for estimating a decent value for this parameter?


LLR值已正常化,因此我不认为有一个单一的好答案。 答案将取决于你想要多少钱。 LLR的数值将直线提高,与贵方的体体体大小(生机、克数)。 1.0的缺省值是合理的,我只是建议你试验性地找到正确的价值,然后根据投入的规模,将其按比例分配给其他投入。



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