English 中文(简体)
原标题:What is the most performant algorithm for sorting array elements?

I am solving UVa site problems, I have a problem that I must sort the integers as fast as possible.

我尝试了这种泡沫,但效率不高。 我尝试了快速的,它使用回收,但产生了一个<>StackOverflowException,因为输入量很大(,近2 000万)。

问题时限仅为5秒。 是否有任何想法说明如何更有效地执行?


Since you re only sorting integers, radix sort might be a good idea. The nice thing about this algorithm is that its always taking the same amount of time which is dependent on the number of elements to sort and not how "unsorted" they are.

See also Donald Knuth s The Art of Computer Programming volume 3, Sorting and Searching. The algorithm is described in section 5.2.5. Sorting by Distribution, starting at page 168. The algorithm s pseudo-code is Algorithm R on page 172 (page numbers from second edition).



You don t necessarily need to write quicksort recursively.



下面是你认为不兼容的建议。 你们说,重新分类愤怒......究竟是允许什么类型的愤怒? 计票/包裹会很快。


可在in-place上书写。 由于不需要(更多,而不是太多)额外记忆,我认为,如果你使用这一版本,那不会造成错误。 如果你仍有这种错误,你可以考虑随意输入。

另外,您也可考虑非对等,例如counting,。 这些类型的算法有其局限性,但通常需要较少的时间,例如O(n)。

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