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PHP 抽样项目
原标题:PHP sample project with wamp

I installed wamp stack and then installed netbeans ide. The port number for apache is 100. Created one PHP project at

C:UsersaaaDocumentsNetBeans ProjectsPhp Project2

http:// localhost:100/Phpproject2/“rel=”nofollow。

当我点击时,见以下信息:“。 URL没有在服务器上发现”。

What else I need to do to connect http://localhost:100/PhpProject2/index.php to C:UsersaaaDocumentsNetBeans ProjectsPhp Project2?



If you go to http://localhost:100/, what do you see? What is your web root? The folder needs to be in your web root, and I would be surprised if it is C:UsersaaaDocuments

我在谷歌搜索了“坡脚”,并在Bitnami找到了产品,如果是你使用的产品,则缺省网络根基是:Program 文件BitNamiWAMP Stackapache2htdocs。 如果情况确实如此,那么你需要将<代码>NetBeans Projects 翻到这里。 (资料来源:。 第7页


您需要把Patricia s Webroot编成C:UsersaaDocumentsNetBeans Project (在文档编码上查询

Or you can move/copy your files to the existing webroot, which may be something like c:wwwroot.

Apache doesn t just magically know where you put your website files, and setting the URL inside NetBeans doesn t actually configure the webserver (I think it s just so that auto-generated links are right).

你必须将你的档案移至阿帕奇安装(htdocs)的根子。 您应提及您的西澳大利亚航天局的安装。 在个人方面,我谨利用XXAMP安装。

Netbeans is just an IDE, it doesn t serve the files.

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