English 中文(简体)
原标题:Array of pointers

我正试图建造一条长途树,我正在想像一阵点,指出B_tree node阶级的不同情况(这基本上造成阵列的 no,包括树木的所有功能,如计数、插入等)。

Are there any tips/tricks to visualizing an array of pointers for this case? Are there any good links/resources for explanation of array of pointers? (I did not find the common search results on google that helpful)...


这里有一系列点人的情况,他们指向任何东西,但这是一系列点人的直观。 http://ee.hawaii.edu/~tep/EE160/Book/chap9/section2.1.4.html http://ee.hawaii.edu/~tep/EE160/Book/chap9/section2.1.4.html。 Enjoy. “entergraph


Array with pointers is just like a usual array with a maximum number of size. Each position of the array it does not hold an integer or float or char or a struct. It holds a pointer. What a pointer is ? Imagine the computer s memory like a huge array which hold different kind of values. The variable which holds the pointer what it actually holds is the address of a block of memory. It does not hold the value of an integer but if you have int *a; , it means that the variable a which is store in a memory address hold the address of something which is integer.

点人总是持有4个 by。 因此,有点人阵列意味着每个职位都显示一些记忆。 如果你有10个点的愤怒阵列,则意味着每个阵地都显示一个记忆组的地址(该组储存着一种愤怒)。 因此,阵列有10个点,其中每一个点都显示为愤怒。

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