English 中文(简体)
Bash, Perl or Sed, 在发现短语后插入新行
原标题:Bash, Perl or Sed, Insert on New Line after found phrase

Ok I 认为我需要做以下工作:


$engineinfo = engine_getinfo();


$engineinfo[ engine ]="asterisk";
$engineinfo[ version ]="";

Thanks in advance, Joe



sed -ne  /$engineinfo = engine_getinfo();/a $ 
  $engineinfo[ engine ]="asterisk"; $ 
  $engineinfo[ version ]=""; $ 
  ;p  /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf



第一,我们听起来说,要看一线,包括你的扼杀。 届时,我们将执行<条码>a指令,即“附录案文”。

缩略语 指挥

line of text
another line

Note that the literal newlines are part of this syntax. To make it all one line (and preserve copy-paste ability) in place of literal newlines I used $ which will tell bash or zsh to insert a real newline in place. The quoting necessary to make this work is a little complex: You have to exit single-quotes so that you can have the $ be interpreted by bash, then you have to re-enter a single-quoted string to prevent bash from interpreting the rest of your input.

EDIT: 更新,以对两条线进行对应指挥。


http://perldoc.perl.org/Tie/File.html (列入伯尔分发文件):

use Tie::File;
tie my @array,  Tie::File , "/var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf" or die $!; 
for (0..$#array) {
    if ($array[$_] =~ /$engineinfo = engine_getinfo();/) {
        splice @array, $_+1, 0, q{$engineinfo[ engine ]="asterisk"; $engineinfo[ version ]="";};


awk  { if(/$engineinfo = engine_getinfo();/) print $0"
$engineinfo[   engine   ]="asterisk";
$engineinfo[   version   ]=""" ; else  print $0 }  in.txt


# cf. http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/howto/edit-ed
cat <<- EOF  | ed -s /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
/$engineinfo = engine_getinfo();/a
$engineinfo[ engine ]="asterisk";
$engineinfo[ version ]="";

A Perl one-liner:

perl -pE  s|($engineinfo) = engine_getinfo();.*K|
${1}[   engine   ]="asterisk";
${1}[   version   ]="";|  file
sed -i   s/$engineinfo = engine_getinfo();/$engineinfo = engine_getinfo();<CTRL V><CNTRL M>$engineinfo[ engine ]="asterisk"; $engineinfo[ version ]="";/  /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf

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