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原标题:JSprit penalize extra shipment minutes in vehicle


Multiple passengers in a vehicle is good!


如果博博博爱的生活接近尾声,艾丽斯的生活远未消失,理想的情况是,我们将拿到艾丽斯,然后将博博拉带走。 共同财产似乎对此有内在限制。

Essentially, I want a soft constraint for passenger extra minutes in vehicle, above the straight-shot drive time from pickup to dropoff. I think a simple penalty for overall time in vehicle would work all right instead of calculating the extra. Any thoughts about how to structure this constraint in JSprit? Is it a soft version of MaxTimeInVehicleConstraint?


我通过使用<代码>J Sprit.setObjectiveFunction()而不是习惯限制来解决这一问题。 执行起来要简单得多。

public double getCosts( VehicleRoutingProblemSolution solution ) {
    double costPerPassengerSecond = 0.001;
    double costs = 0.0;
    int passengersInVehicle = 0;
    for ( VehicleRoute route : solution.getRoutes() ) {
        costs += route.getVehicle().getType().getVehicleCostParams().fix;
        TourActivity prevAct = route.getStart();

        for ( TourActivity act : route.getActivities() ) {
            costs += vrp.getTransportCosts().getTransportCost(prevAct.getLocation(), act.getLocation(), prevAct.getEndTime(), route.getDriver(), route.getVehicle());
            //costs += vrp.getActivityCosts().getActivityCost(act, act.getArrTime(), route.getDriver(), route.getVehicle()); // there are no activity costs, because CostPerServiceTime is zero
            costs += costPerPassengerSecond * passengersInVehicle * vrp.getTransportCosts().getTransportTime(prevAct.getLocation(), act.getLocation(), prevAct.getEndTime(), route.getDriver(), route.getVehicle());
            passengersInVehicle += act.getSize().get(0);

        costs += vrp.getTransportCosts().getTransportCost(prevAct.getLocation(), route.getEnd().getLocation(), prevAct.getEndTime(), route.getDriver(), route.getVehicle());
        //if ( route.getVehicle().getBreak() != null && !hasBreak && route.getEnd().getArrTime() > route.getVehicle().getBreak().getTimeWindow().getEnd() ) {
        //  costs += 4.0 * (maxCosts * 2.0 + route.getVehicle().getBreak().getServiceDuration() * route.getVehicle().getType().getVehicleCostParams().perServiceTimeUnit);

    return costs;

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