English 中文(简体)
2. 移换发展要素
原标题:Moving elements on scroll

我只用 Java字和JQuery和I ve,用更简单的方式,在最近网上看到我所看到的影响。

What I am trying to do is have a div move horizontally when the user scrolls. My thought, for a simple prototype, involves watching the scrollbar position, and whenever it travels 1% of the page, move the div a certain increment.

var percent = Math.round((1/100)*document.height);
    var boxpos = 10;

        var pos = $(window).scrollTop();

#content{width:100%; height:4000px;}
#res{position:fixed; left:20px;}
#box{position:fixed; width:20px; height:20px; left:10px; background-color:#F66;}

<div id="content">
    <div id="box"><p>&nbsp;</p></div>
    <p id="res"></p>


One thing I ve been having problem with is that the value of percent never seems to be as it should, and most of the time is 0. I cannot understand why that should be.

I m a beginner to programming so any and all comments are welcome. Am I approaching this in a poor way?


Edit: 给大家一个更好的想法,了解我所谈论的内容:



var percent = Math.round((1/100)*$(document).height());
    var boxpos = 10;

        var pos = $(document).scrollTop();
            $("#box").css("left", boxpos);


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