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原标题:Receiving JPEG images via http GET request
  • 时间:2011-07-27 11:52:25
  •  标签:
  • c++

我想通过GET的请求,从一架IP照相机接收吉大港山区上空的图像。 我写了一个节目,制作与摄像机有关的短片,并向摄影机发出以下GET申请:

GET /mjpeg?res=full HTTP/1.1

After that, I receive images with the following function in a while loop:

while((tmpres = recv(sock,(void *) buf, SIZE, 0)) > 0 && check<10)


where SIZE represents the size of the buffer. I, infact, don t know what size to define here. I am receiving a color image of size 2940x1920. So I define SIZE=2940x1920x3. After receiving the MJPEG image, I decode it with ffmpeg. But I observe that ffmpeg just partially/uncorrectly decodes the image and I just see a half (or even less) of the image. I assume it could be a size problem. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.




为什么要重新发明轮轮椅(时间为十三)? 使用一个现成的吉大港山区客户图书馆,例如libcurl

为此,或许你甚至可以用<代码>curl把你的全部解决办法写成单册。 指挥线方案:


curl -O "" || echo "Error."
curl -o myfile.jpg "" || echo "Error."

# ffmpeg ...

Save bytes received as binary file and analyze. 或许是一种不完整的形象(图像可以编码为进步的JPEG,事实上是相互交织的,也就是说,如果你把档案按横向线排列的话,或者可以成为一个症状。 或者有些不同。 <代码>check < 10 conditions?

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