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Telerik MVC Combo 箱确认:改变无效价值错误信息
原标题:Telerik MVC Combobox validation: change invalid value error message
@(Html.Telerik().ComboBoxFor( x => x.SelectedFoo )
    .DataBinding( x => x.Ajax().Select( "_List", "Foo" ) )
    .AutoFill( true )
    .HighlightFirstMatch( true )
    .Filterable( x => x.FilterMode( AutoCompleteFilterMode.StartsWith ) )
@Html.ValidationMessageFor( x => x.SelectedFoo )

Alright, so Im using Telerik s combo Box part for ASP. NET MVC, and I can t que where to set/change ( also localize) the有误值的电文。






[Required( ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof( Resources.ErrorStrings ),
    ErrorMessageResourceName = "Required_SelectedFoo" )]
public Guid? SelectedFoo { get; set; }

这一点是不容的,但可以解释。 选 选 Foo是打字式的GUID。 当框架试图将古董的等级划分为一类时,它就会放弃和例外,而这种例外又加诸于模范语词典,而这一切都发生在援引验证特征之前。 因此,在这种情况下,你可能不会改变其容易和可行的方式。 然而,你可以做的是改变你这样的模式。

 [Required( ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof( Resources.ErrorStrings ),    ErrorMessageResourceName = "Required_SelectedFoo" )]
public string StringSelectedFoo { get; set; }
public GUID SelectedFoo{get{return (GUID)StringSelectedFoo;}}//have to do some sanitation work here




www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 但是,如果无效值与<代码>相联,则的确认有效>。

There is nothing wrong with Required you need to but something like RegularExpression validation attribute or something else to get the right validation message.

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