I want to create a layout like this site using vuetify, but when the footer and navigation-drawer settings do not work and the footer is not completely visible As shown below, the height of the navigation is not enough and the border is cut off.
When I scrolled to the bottom of the page it was set to the correct height.
The current code is below
<Header />
<v-footer border="t" absolute app>
<v-row justify="center" no-gutters>
<AppThemeToggle />
<v-col class="primary lighten-2 py-4 text-center white--text" cols="12">
>Copyright {{ new Date().getFullYear() }} vuetify
<v-navigation-drawer permanent width="300">
<v-row justify="center">
<v-expansion-panels :modelValue="panel" :multiple="true">
v-for="(item, i) in matchedNavObject.children"
<v-expansion-panel-title>{{ item.title }}</v-expansion-panel-title>
v-for="(navItem, j) in item.children"
active: `${navItem._path}` === route.path,
>{{ navItem.title }}</nuxt-link
<slot />
<NavigationLink />
<style lang="scss">
.test {
I would like to know if there is a way to solve this problem.