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原标题:Using a WooCommerce hook on category page causes price display to mess up

I am trying to display some fields on the category product list page and the woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title hook. My information comes out perfectly, except it causes EACH product to display ALL the prices of the products on that page. If I remove my hook it works right again. I added this:

add_action(  woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title ,  paradigm_custom_category_display , 5 );
function paradigm_custom_category_display() {
    global $product;

    if ( $product->get_short_description()) {
        <h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title pp-shortdescription">
            <?php echo apply_filters(  woocommerce_short_description , $product->get_short_description() ) ?>

    <div class="pp-block">
    if(get_field( author_name )) {
        <div class="pp-author"><span>Author: </span><a href="<?php the_field( author_link ); ?>" class="fancybox-iframe"><?php the_field( author_name ); ?></a></div>
    if(get_field( pages )) {
        <div class="pp-pages"><span>Pages: </span><?php the_field( pages ); ?></div>
    if(get_field( size )) {
        <div class="pp-size"><span>Size: </span><?php the_field( size ); ?></div>
    if(get_field( isbn )) {
        <div class="pp-isbn"><span>ISBN: </span><?php the_field( isbn ); ?></div>
    if(get_field( binding )) {
        <div class="pp-binding"><span>Binding: </span><?php the_field( binding ); ?></div>

And that works for my new category information display. BUT EACH product shown also shows the price of ALL the products on the page now:

enter image description here

I removed each block of my function and that made no difference. The only way the price goes back to the correct display is not putting in the hook at all. I am new to this and lost. Can anyone help? Thanks.



You will need to change this line removing the author link:

<div class="pp-author"><span>Author: </span><a href="<?php the_field( author_link ); ?>" class="fancybox-iframe"><?php the_field( author_name ); ?></a></div>


<div class="pp-author"><span>Author: </span><?php the_field( author_name ); ?></div>

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 还确保产品简短描述显示内容,没有链接。

This should solve this double link issue (but maybe not this pricing strange glitch)

Now you should try to buffer the outputted content, as it can solve some strange issues. I have also restricted the allowed HTML tags in the product short description.

I have revisited your code:

add_action(  woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title ,  paradigm_custom_category_display , 4 );
function paradigm_custom_category_display() {
    global $product;

    ob_start(); // start buffering outputted content

    if ( ! empty($product->get_short_description()) ) {
        <h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title pp-shortdescription">
            <?php // Restricting allowed html tags (no links)
            $args = array(  br  => [],  p  => [],  em  => [],  strong  => [],  span  => [],  div  => [] );
            echo apply_filters(  woocommerce_short_description , wp_kses( $product->get_short_description(), $args ) ) ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <div class="pp-block">
    if( $author_name = get_field( author_name ) ) { ?>
        <div class="pp-author"><span><?php _e( Author: ); ?> </span><?php echo $author_name; ?></div><?php   
    if( $pages = get_field( pages ) ) { ?>
        <div class="pp-pages"><span><?php _e( Pages: ); ?> </span><?php echo $pages; ?></div><?php   
    if( $size = get_field( size ) ) { ?>
        <div class="pp-size"><span><?php _e( Size: ); ?> </span><?php echo $size; ?></div><?php   
    if( $isbn = get_field( isbn ) ) {
        <div class="pp-isbn"><span><?php _e( ISBN: ); ?> </span><?php echo $isbn; ?></div><?php   
    if( $binding = get_field( binding ) ) { ?>
        <div class="pp-binding"><span><?php _e( Binding: ); ?> </span><?php echo $binding; ?></div><?php   
    echo ob_get_clean(); // Output the buffered content


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