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Any clojurescript tutorials? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

Are there already some good tutorial on ClojureScript? I would like to try it out, but don t know where to start exactly.


Take a look at the newly released ClojureScript One project. It is an example of a webapp written in ClojureScript and Clojure. Great piece of information describing the project can be found at their wiki pages.

Here s a screencast showing ClojureScript REPL in action.

I ve put up a first steps blog post/tutorial aimed at getting GUI elements working here: http://boss-level.com/?p=102 . It also gives a brief intro to how to structure your project directory to interact with Clojurescript, as well as how to delve about within the Closure Library GUI elements.

Not exactly tutorials but I found both Justin Grants Convex hull demo and the SVG graphing library Apogee helpful.

You can find a gentle introduction to ClojureScript at https://github.com/magomimmo/modern-cljs

This is an older question, but I am gradually building up a library of sample code that I hope is helpful:

I am starting to make some demo videos of Clojurescript. I am a terrible presenter but I hope it helps:


Sierra and VanderHart s ClojureScript: Up and Running is a good book. One might feel that there s not enough content to justify the price, but sometimes good content is worth paying for, even when there s not a lot of it, if it s what you need.

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