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原标题:Does it make sense to create canvas-based UI components?





Zebra项目创建了一个完整的部件集,并作为“超文本5”内容。 此处是部件样本的筛选。 我没有使用这个框架,但应该让大家了解不同的浏览器能如何使国际投资机制成为组成部分。

enter image description here

标明部件并检查线成形的质量(反阿),视你使用浏览器的不同而有很大的不同。 这里有关这个问题的更多信息:

另一个项目是Makpad,一个网络工匠图书馆和现场密码编辑。 制图股的每个可见部分都放在网上广播公司,包括所有屏幕上的文本,通过综合文本提供发动机。

Makepad - a webGL worker-based library and live code editor

该项目还处于早期阶段,但你可以尝试在。 露台是开放源,可在github.com/makepad/makepad.github.io上找到Gite repo。

如果你有的话,将Canvas作为“调查”基地,就是一个很好的想法;有200个要素。 它比使用OMS分子要更快得多。

On iPhone Safari, 300 animated DOM elements runs at 3fps (frames per second), very slow.

如果你使用信道,你可以做到“大概”300个要素,并且仍然可以实现30个点,这意味着平缓地消化和过渡。 我对此进行了长时间的测试,因此我知道这项工作。

The downside to Canvas (as someone else mentioned), is that search engines can t see your content. But if you are building an app that shouldn t be spidered and needs to run on mobile, then Canvas is the way to go.

For the last four years I have been building components for the canvas including buttons, dials, sliders, check boxes, radio buttons, color pickers, panes, windows, indicators, waiters, steppers, tabs, pads, etc. see http://zimjs.com/components/ for working examples.

Dial and Slider in ZIMjs for Canvas

The advantages are as follows:

  1. The components can be customized in more or different ways than traditional HTML/CSS components and we can make more types of components. See http://zimjs.com/docs.html for examples.
  2. It is often important when making interactive works to embed the components right in the app or game. This is difficult to do by overlaying HTML components when taking into account scaling apps.
  3. There is definitely tighter integration when dragging panels, animating components, scaling components, working with canvas library events (ZIM and CreateJS use on() method which has benefits - canvas components can make use of this).

我热爱与Canvas构成部分合作——它节省了编码线,我不必在系统之间转用。 仅提醒......特别安全局的形式基本上与法典中的标语相同。 我会把我的内容编成任何一天的法典,而不是中央安全局——我个人认为在一个系统中工作非常容易。

就屏幕阅读器对界面的检测结果而言,许多信封的制作不适合视力受损。 正如指出的,如果适用的话,仍然可以这样做。

一项最后评论......consistency是一项重要的设计原则,但variety <>em>是生命的 sp。 我认为,我们不应依赖一个同质的界面系统。 应当有增长、试验和勘探的余地。

That sounds like a bad idea. You will lose much accessibility that the user expect e.g. focus and tabbing. Or it will be a lot of work for you to implement all that.

最好为此类事情使用超文本5和CSS3。 现有许多 Java本全球倡议框架,例如见15 Javascript Web UI Libraries, Frameworks and Toolkits



  • js always should be enabled. Nowadays one can consider it not a big deal, but nevertheless it worth to mention.
  • html/css is actually traditional and constantly evolving stack of standards, sooner or later you ll feel the need in having some descriptive language to reduce repeating code in your canvas rendered UI-components. And there are two options here - to try to invent something proprietary, which actually could be fun and interesting, but can have some very sad consequences. The second way is to reimplement html/css not to confuse third party developers. But, wait a minute, we ve already have html/css engine )))
  • events and, therefore, user experience. Jonas is right. Trying to reimplement even a subset of js event model to make it more comfortable to develop canvas rendered components is hard. Some issues even are unsolvable.


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 因此,我选择这样做:。

  1. 我的恢复将使所有浏览器都保持同样的水平。

  2. 我可以在我的Go(谷歌Go)项目中重新使用该守则。 我正在利用SFML来设计雕像,只要我不尝试任何超级“cl子”的话,该法典就会很容易地安放。

  3. 这种做法有好的做法,虽然无法重新发明轮椅,但人们必须知道如何这样做。

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