English 中文(简体)
GSON - 特定情况下的习俗序列剂
原标题:GSON - Custom serializer in specific case


public class Student {
       public String name;
       public School school;

public class School {
       public int id;
       public String name;
public class Data {
      public ArrayList<Student> students;
      public ArrayList<School> schools;


{ "students": [{ 
                 "school": "1"          //the id of the scool, not its entire Json
  "school": [{                        //the entire JSON
              "id" : "1",
              "name": "schoolName"

为此,我必须使用学生的定制序列器,以便Gson只印刷学校的id。 但对于学校而言,我必须拥有正式的序列仪。



You can write a custom serializer something like this:

public class StudentAdapter implements JsonSerializer<Student> {

 public JsonElement serialize(Student src, Type typeOfSrc,
            JsonSerializationContext context) {

        JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
        obj.addProperty("name", src.name);
        obj.addProperty("school", src.school.id);

        return obj;


Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
    .registerTypeAdapter(Student.class, new StudentAdapter())
return gson.toJson([YOUR_OBJECT_TO_BE_SERIALIZED]);

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