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Dojo Mobile: Bug in tabbar? 滚动时的 Bro形象
原标题:Dojo Mobile: Bug in tabbar? Broken image when scrolling

I m trying to build a Dojo Mobile App at the moment and got a little problem on iOS which I couldn t figure out how to solve. I need a tabbar at the bottom of the application. I positioned it and everything works fine until I start to scroll the content above. The same also happens with demo application from the tutorials (TweetView). Does anybody has any idea how to solve this? Is there a workaround? Can maybe somebody tell me, whether it will be fixed in 1.7? At the moment I m using 1.6 and it works fine on Android and also on my desktop webkit browser. The error only occurs on iOS. Here some screenshots:






Thanks, Ralf


问题的解决办法不是使用IconPos1和IconPos2和iconBase,而是在TabaButton tag使用icon1和icon2。 iconPos and icon 基地确实有 sea,但不幸的是,我无法从新老发展者那里得到确认。



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