English 中文(简体)
原标题:Simultaneous Execution of Functions

我提出的申请必须执行太长的职能(称为“<>条码>>slowfunc(),这是一个问题,因为我的申请是用视频直播材料进行的。 通过执行这一职能,框架比率受到严重影响。

Is there a way to run slowfunc() in the background without using threading? I don t necessarily need it to run every frame, but every time it finishes, I d like to examine the output. The only thing I can think of right now is to split up slowfunc() into several "mini-functions" which would each take approximately an equal amount of time, then run one minifunction per frame. However, slowfunc() is a relatively complex function, and I feel that there should be (hopefully is) a way to do this simply.

EDIT:我可以使用透镜,因为这一方案最终将被用于可能不支持翻新的小型机器人。 我猜测我可以使用“合作多味”。 感谢你们的帮助!


在计算完成后,将睡觉,直至再进行计算。 这样,你们不会因为read子的开端而受到影响。


You re asking for simaltaneous execution. The two ways to do this are -: a) Multi-threading -: Create another thread to run on a background. b) MUlti-processing -: Create another process . Take all inputs required for the function via a shared memory model. Create a synchronisation mechanism with original process(parent process). Execute this function.

通常倾向于使用第1条。 加快执行。

第2条保证,如果该功能坠毁,你的母体过程依然有效。 虽然这是不相干的,因为为什么你想要孩子(功能)坠毁。 这需要更多记忆。

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