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原标题:pcase not recognising string matches
  • 时间:2023-08-17 23:51:55
  •  标签:
  • string
  • emacs

Am attempting to insert either a Latex Command or a UTF-8 Symbol to a buffer, but the pcase is giving me "No Match" when selecting "bigodot".

grafm in expected to me modified by removing the UTF-8 Symbol, by taking the first word before the first space, and use just the string descriptor "bigodot" for use with the pcase clause.

(defun imprint (selector kmstr &optional grapheme)
  "Insert Latex Command or the equivalent UTF-8 grapheme."

  (if (or (not grapheme) (equal selector "Command"))
      (insert kmstr)
    (insert grapheme)))


(defun bigops (grafm seltr)
  "Binary Operations."

    (let ( (csel  ("Symbol" "Command"))
           (cseq  ("bigodot ⨀" "bigoplus ⨁︁" "bigotimes ⨂︁")) )

        (completing-read "Grapheme: " cseq nil t "bigcap ⋂")
        (completing-read "Selector: " csel nil t "Command")) ))

  (setq grafm (car (split-string grafm)))
  (message "Grafm: .%S." grafm)

  (pcase grafm
    ("bigodot" (imprint seltr "\bigodot" "⨀"))
    ("bigoplus︁" (imprint seltr "\bigoplus" "⨁︁"))
    ("bigotimes︁" (imprint seltr "\bigotimes" "⨂︁"))
    (_  (message "%s" "No Match")) ))



(defun my-display-hidden (&optional remove)
  "Show/hide the hidden  ︁  (0xfe01) characters."
  (interactive "P")
  (if remove (remove-overlays)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (search-forward "︁" nil t) ; (0xfe01)
        (let ((ov (make-overlay (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
          (overlay-put ov  display
                       (buttonize "(0xfe01)"
                                  (let ((pos (match-beginning 0)))
                                    (lambda (_) (describe-char pos)))))
          (overlay-put ov  face  font-lock-warning-face))))))

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