English 中文(简体)
在将XML转化为已部署的Apache 6.0时可能出现的错误
原标题:Possible errors when transforming XML in deployed Apache 6.0

I cannot display a transformed xml (transformed by xsls) when running a WAR file on a deployed Tomcat 6 server supplied to me, whereas when I run it on Tomcat which is on my machine it works fine.


    StringReader xmlInput = new StringReader(xmlString);
    InputStream xslInput = new URL(path).openStream();

    Source xmlSource = new StreamSource(xmlInput);
    Source xslSource = new StreamSource(xslInput);

    // XML result will be written to HTTP response.
    Result xmlResult = new StreamResult(response.getOutputStream());
    try {
        Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
        transformer.transform(xmlSource, xmlResult);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.err("xml xslt transform error");
        return ("return couldn t load file");


Why would this not work on the deployed machine?

我不敢肯定WAR档案是如何在服务器上运行的,我都知道,它运行在Tomcat 6.0服务器上,我无法看到服务器的产出,因为我的教授不愿意分享任何这些信息。

因此,我 asking问的是,什么是能够造成这种情况?


我已设法获得更多有关这个问题的信息。 首先,没有出现任何错误,该信封将获得200个身份。 第二点是答复中的文字,意思是,改革职能中某些部分的工作要么是转变,要么是书面反应。



请注意<代码>的道路 GetResourceAsStreamtake is relative to request.getContextPath(.


If the server has a firewall, getting the xsl file may result in an error.

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