I have tested some solutions proposed here and checked memcmp
source code which is not optimized for the OP needs since it has an additional requirement to perform sorting, leading it to compare unsigned char
one by one.
,这些功能在最大配对面上进行大部分检查,使之便于使用。 我将这一功能与在座所提议的其他解决办法相比较。 进行了时间测量并印制了成果。
我也测试了我的解决方案,但没有对以下文字加以调整:check_memory_zeroed_bigestint_not_ line
,而且令人惊讶的是,它表现得更好。 如果有人解释,他会受到欢迎。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#define BIG_TAB_SIZE 1000000000
typedef intmax_t biggestint;
int check_memory_zeroed (void* ptr, size_t size)
if (ptr == NULL) return -1;
int bis = sizeof(biggestint);
char* pc = (char*) ptr;
biggestint* pbi0 = (biggestint*) pc;
if ((size_t) pc % bis) /* is aligned ? */
pbi0 = (biggestint*) (pc + (bis - ((size_t) pc % bis))); /* minimal pointer larger than ptr but aligned */
assert ((size_t) pbi0 % bis == 0); /* check that pbi0 is aligned */
for (char* p = pc; p < (char*) pbi0; p++)
if(*p) return 0; /* check beginning of non aligned array */
biggestint* pbi = pbi0;
biggestint* pbiUpper = ((biggestint*) (pc + size)) - 1;
for (;pbi <= pbiUpper; pbi++)
if(*pbi) return 0; /* check with the biggest int available most of the array : its aligned part */
for (char* p = (char*) pbi; p < pc + size; p++)
if(*p) return 0; /* check end of non aligned array */
return 1;
int check_memory_zeroed_bigestint_not_aligned (void* ptr, size_t size)
if (ptr == NULL) return -1;
biggestint* pbi = (biggestint*) ptr;
biggestint* pbiUpper = ((biggestint*) (((char*) ptr) + size)) - 1;
for (;pbi <= pbiUpper; pbi++)
if(*pbi) return 0; /* check with the biggest int available most of the array, but without aligning it */
for (char* p = (char*) pbi; p < ((char*) ptr) + size; p++)
if(*p) return 0; /* check end of non aligned array */
return 1;
int check_memory_zeroed_by_char (void* ptr, size_t size)
if (ptr == NULL) return -1;
for (char* p = (char*) ptr; p < ((char*) ptr) + size; p++)
if(*p) return 0;
return 1;
/* variant of wallyk solution */
int check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_and_testblock (void* ptr, size_t size)
void* testblock = malloc(size);
if (ptr == NULL || testblock == NULL) return -1;
memset (testblock, 0, sizeof(testblock));
int res = ! memcmp (testblock, ptr, size);
free (testblock);
return res;
/* variant of mihaif solution */
int check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_with_shifted_array (void* ptr, size_t size)
if (ptr == NULL) return -1;
char* pc = (char*) ptr;
return (*pc) || memcmp(pc, pc + 1, size - 1);
int test() {
/* check_memory_zeroed (void* ptr, size_t size) */
char tab[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) tab[k] = (k >= i && k < 16 - j) ? 0 : 100 + k;
assert(check_memory_zeroed(tab + i, 16 - j - i));
if (i > 0) assert(tab[i-1] == 100 + i - 1);
if (j > 0) assert(tab[16 - j] == 100 + 16 - j);
for (int k = i; k < 16 - j; k++) {
tab[k] = 200+k;
assert(check_memory_zeroed(tab + i, 16 - j - i) == 0);
tab[k] = 0;
char* bigtab = malloc(BIG_TAB_SIZE);
clock_t t = clock();
printf ("Comparison of different solutions execution time for checking an array has all its values null
assert(check_memory_zeroed(bigtab, BIG_TAB_SIZE) != -1);
t = clock() - t;
printf ("check_memory_zeroed optimized : %f seconds
assert(check_memory_zeroed_bigestint_not_aligned(bigtab, BIG_TAB_SIZE) != -1);
t = clock() - t;
printf ("check_memory_zeroed_bigestint_not_aligned : %f seconds
assert(check_memory_zeroed_by_char(bigtab, BIG_TAB_SIZE) != -1);
t = clock() - t;
printf ("check_memory_zeroed_by_char : %f seconds
assert(check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_and_testblock(bigtab, BIG_TAB_SIZE) != -1);
t = clock() - t;
printf ("check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_and_testblock by wallyk : %f seconds
assert(check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_with_shifted_array(bigtab, BIG_TAB_SIZE) != -1);
t = clock() - t;
printf ("check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_with_shifted_array by mihaif : %f seconds
free (bigtab);
return 0;
int main(void) {
printf("Size of intmax_t = %lu
", sizeof(intmax_t));
return 0;
- Size of intmax_t = 8
- check_memory_zeroed optimized : 0.331238 seconds
- check_memory_zeroed_bigestint_not_aligned : 0.260504 seconds
- check_memory_zeroed_by_char : 1.958392 seconds
- check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_and_testblock by wallyk : 0.503189 seconds
- check_memory_zeroed_by_memcmp_with_shifted_array by mihaif : 2.012257 seconds