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原标题:Update form on same page using Ajax, PHP, MySql

Need help on this problem. I have a form being displayed on let s say index.php containing many different fields i.e. drop-down, textfields,... On the same page, I have a drop-down list containing values coming from my database. I need to fill in the form based on the value selected from the drop-down list. Is there a solution for this problem using ajax or even any other way of doing it? Thanks in advance?


你们必须使用javascript/ajax。 你们可以为此利用 j。


    <script type= text/javascript >
       function changeOptions(value,objId){
            respond = sendRequestToAPHPScript();  // respond is a string that your php script returns; should contain html for the select box.
            ${objId}.innerHTML = respond;

    <select id="mySelect" onchange="changeOptions(this.value, mySelect2 );">
      <option value="1">Option 1</option>
      <option value="2">Option 2</option>

    <select id="mySelect2">
      <option value="1">Option 1</option>
      <option value="2">Option 2</option>

当你改变第一次下降的下降价值时,就叫作“改变用途”。 该职能向您的网址发送了请求书,该书用贵国数据库的数据,将文件html输出。 之后,该职能填写了其他选箱,从请求中退回了html。

各位可以听取选定的下降领域的变化,并向询问数据库和在JSON报到所需信息的文字提出分析。 然后,你必须把价值应用于具体投入领域。

Update: You ll have to figure out the ajax part yourself, but this should get you started. The sample is built using the jquery library. http://jsfiddle.net/k4emic/4qAE2/2/

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