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Math Library in PicSDK?
原标题:Math library in iPhone SDK?

I m 试图计算一个小型电话的这个公式:

x = 120 x num^-1.123 x tr^-0.206 x [te] x [fe]

x 相当于120倍升至0.123倍,升至0.206倍。


How do I do that? I m stuck in the negative decimal power of num and tr.



Foundation will include math functions, so all you have to do is use one of the pow() functions to work with. Use pow() for working with doubles, powf() for floats, or powl() for long doubles. Here s an example:

double num = 2.0;
double tr = 3.0;
double te = 4.0;
double fe = 5.0;

double x = 120.0 * pow(num, -1.123) * pow(tr, -0.206) * te * fe;

The iPhone SDK contains the standard C library functions (math.h) that you could use for these kind of math. Searching for math.h in your XCode documentation should show all the related functions (like pow for raising x to the power of y).

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