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原标题:Is there anyway i could dynamically fetch the value of an <option> and pass it to PHP without using AJAX?
  • 时间:2011-08-08 13:28:45
  •  标签:
  • php
  • jquery



<select name="category" size="10">
    <?php foreach($categories->fetch(array( table  =>  categories )) as $category) { ?>
        <option value="<?php echo $category[ id ]; ?>"><?php echo $category[ name ]; ?></option>
    <?php } ?>

如今,第二个<代码><select> i.e小类应当首先隐藏,当用户点击<select>基于其应具有的子类价值。

这样做的一个途径是通过AJAX,通过后一类。 Id as POST Request and take RUS as response.

然而,我想知道是否有任何其他选择,以便自动通过这一类。 Id Value to PHP and unhide the second <select> here is the Code of second <select>

<select name="subcategory" size="10">
    <?php foreach($categories->fetch(array( table  =>  subCategories ,  categoryId  => $categoryId)) as $subCategory) { ?>
        <option value="1"><?php echo $subCategory[ name ]; ?></option>
    <?php } ?>

此处唯一需要的是类 人口密集。 是否有任何办法这样做?

thank you..



另一种选择是,在选定箱子发生变化时提交表格。 表格一旦提交,PHP就会从SPOST阵列中取回ID,然后重新注入子类选择箱。 在用户确实能够提供 Java本的情况下,这常常被用作一种倒退。


No, there is no way to do what you are suggesting. PHP is only run on the server, so by the time the page is rendered on the client the PHP has already been run.


Is there a reason why you don t want to do it this way?


  1. Use an ajax call to fetch the required data when a user selection is made as jbruno has described.
  2. Submit the whole page to the server, let your PHP see the newly selected option and fill in the newly desired data in a returned page. This will cause the page to refresh so is less ideal than option 1.
  3. Pre-populate the page with all possible data in a javascript data structure so you can use Javascript to just look up the desired categ或y ID in a local data structure, modify the page and never have to talk to the server in 或der to update the page.


如果选择3出于任何原因不可行,则选择1最为合适。 备选案文2并不像用户的经验那样好,因此,如果你确实能够实施备选办法1或3,它就只能是最后的手段。

你们更具体地询问了选择 3. 我尚未真正理解你所需要的全部数据。 如果你真的只有四类数据:<条码> 驻地-代码<>、<条码> 驻地-部分<>、<条码>、<条码> 办公室_space和<条码> ,则你只能将这些数据作为物体上的四大钥匙并储存其数据:

var data = {
    "residential_plot": 1,
    "residential_apartment": 2,
    "office_space": 3,
    "showroom": 4

The 1, 2, 3 and 4 are just whatever data you want to st或e f或 that type. It can be numbers, strings, arrays of data, other objects of data, anything.

To access this, you would do like this:

var id = data.residential_plot;

var index = "residential_plot";
var id = data[index];

If you wanted to st或e the notion of categ或ies and sub-categ或ies, you would need an extra level of objects:

var data = {
    "residential": {"residential_plot": 1, "residential_apartment": 2}, 
    "commercial": {"office_space": 3, "showroom": 4}


var id = data.residential.residential_plot;

或 like this:

var categ或y = "residential";
var catType = "residential_plot";
var id = data[categ或y][catType];

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